The only way in which workers can stay safe and secure is by staying alert and aware about their surroundings. Some of the safety precautions that can be taken with regards to electrical hazards are:
1.First and foremost always, de-energize as much equipment and machinery as possible. Also, try to use portable flood light systems for lighting, whenever possible.
2.Next, every worker or employee must first consider using dry removal in areas that are immediately adjacent to energized electrical equipment.
3.Always make sure to use non-conductive vacuum attachments, such as wood, plastic and rubber.
4.Every employee, manager or worker must always wear heavily insulated rubber boots and gloves while working around any form of energized wiring.
5.Employers must put "hot line" covers over energized power lines and cables.
6.See that all electrical equipment has a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, also known as a GFCI.
7.Never damage insulated coverings with scaffolding wheels, scrapers, etc.
8.Never ever string any form of electrical wiring across floors.
9.Finally, never allow water or other liquids to accumulate in puddles on work area floors.
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